Friday, November 30, 2012

Fall Recap - Ready for Advent

November has ended and  things are getting busier.  This is what has happened over the last two months.

October / November recap

  The fire safety poster contest in October had two winners:  Ava S. won for the K-2 grades division and Sarah C. won in the 3rd - 6th grade division.  Each girl was given a ride in the front seat of the fire truck after the classes were given a presentation on the parts of the fire truck and how it works.  Mrs. Green ran the contest.

    Our Halloween festival was a great success.  The students paraded in their costumes from room to room until all were in line and they then proceeded  outside in the mild weather.  Parent volunteers were ready to guide students through a rotation of a spooky craft, a haunting game of musical chairs, a game of bocce ball with pumpkin buckets and a game of Halloween Bingo.  At the end of the day the students returned to their respective rooms for treats. 

  Conferences in November were well attended.  Our friends at F&M Band provided  lunch for the teachers.   A book fair was run at the same time and sold  almost $700 worth of books which translates to a  book credit.  Our next book fair is scheduled for January 28 through February 1st during Catholic Schools week.   Help running the book fair will be needed. 

PTO Meets
  The PTO met on November 19th.  Items discussed included rebates, room mothers and fundraisers.  We discussed the entertainment for the Spring Gala, which is scheduled for March 9th, 2013.  We would like to interview a piano entertainer who does a name that tune/ trivia act.  This person performs each Wednesday evening at the Longbranch.  Anyone who is available Wednesday, December 5th is welcome to join us and view this performance.