Friday, October 5, 2012

Events of October

  Autumn is here for sure.   Colorful leaves, cooler temperatures and a calendar full of activities.  Here is a summary of just what's going on:

 Saturday, October 6:  Anamosa Pumpkinfest.  Our town's claim to fame event complete with a parade, games and the country's largest pumpkins.  Unfortunately, our school will not be entering a parade float this year. 

 October 8th to 12th.  Fire Safety Week.  Upper classes have made posters to promote fire safety. Those posters will be entered into the poster contest.  On Thursday the fire truck will visit the school.

 Tuesday, October 9:  PTO meeting at 6:15 in the rectory.  We have much to discuss.  Our individual committees will be making arrangements to meet. Come join us.  Let us know if you would like childcare provided. 

 Wednesday, October 10:  Mass. The second grade class will be leading the 8:30 mass.  All are invited.

 Sunday, October 14:   St. Patrick's Fall Festival.  Serving dinner from 11am to 2pm. Children's games, cake walk, bingo, country store and auction round out the day.  This is our church's largest event and our school families need to support it.  The PTO has agreed to tear down and clean up after the fall festival.  Come join us between 2:00 and 4:00ish. Many hands make light work and a good impression.

 Monday, October 15: Morning field trips.  PreK through 2nd are going to Honey Creek acres near Swisher and the 3rd through 5th are taking a tour of the landfill in Marion.  All will be back for school lunch.

Tuesday, October 23:  Picture retake day

Wednesday, October 24:  8:30 mass with the 5th grade leading. 

Wednesday, October 24:  Youth group grades 6 and up will be taking a field trip to Kroul Corn Maze, leaving at 5:30 and returning about 8:30

Before Monday, October 29:  The fall fundraiser will be delivered.  Watch 'The Weekly Word' for more information as it comes.

Wednesday, October 31:  Classes will have their Halloween parties.  Ask your teacher for details.

October is also Respect Life Month and the month of the Holy Rosary.  Events coming in November include parent teacher conferences and the fall book fair.  And all too soon the holidays will be upon us.  Enjoy the Fall.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Scrip specials - Save money

   I have been using scrip regularly for almost a year and I love having the cards ready to use for making my regular purchases.  Today I want to share with you some ways I have been using scrip to save myself some money. 

  Walmart:  The Marion Walmart gas station has a special of 10 cents off the price IF you use a gift card.  Pick up your gift card from scrip and the school gets 3% back.   That's a win/win!  This offer is until December 31, 2012.

 Subway:  During the month of October, Subway has a special of buy one 6 inch before 9AM and get the second free.  Get your $10 card from scrip and the school gets 4% back.  Good food equals easy fundraising!

 HyVee:  The HyVee coupon book reaps an 80% profit.  That's $4 back on a $5 purchase.  I recently ordered one and found the expiration date on the coupons to be June 30, 2013.  Ask for a coupon book now and you'll have plenty of  time to redeem those coupons.

 Staples:  If you need office supplies, get yourself a Staples reward card and sign up to get their emails.  They have regular specials on inks and paper and the rewards really add up.  Then, order Staples scrip to buy your discounted supplies and the school reaps a 5% reward.  That was Easy!

Pick up a scrip order form today and do some planning for your holiday shopping.  If you already visit these businesses, it's just as easy to shop with scrip.  And volunteers are always welcome to help sell scrip after church on the weekends.  Contact Charlotte Scheckel if you have questions.

 *Scrip is an ongoing fundraiser that benefits St. Patrick school though it is  not  run through the PTO.